Expanding To The United States

Off-shore companies seeking to access the United States are often surprised about the complexity of the U.S. marketplace — a marketplace comprised not of a uniform system of laws throughout, but rather of a patchwork of diverse regulations and practices.  New entrants must meld the laws of their home jurisdictions with complex federal and state laws and regulations in the United States.  It is overwhelmingly the case that the issues about which an offshore company is unaware – and, therefore, which it does not address – are the issues that will create the greatest problems for it in the future.
The size of the U.S. marketplace, its financial resources, and its technological prowess often make the United States one of the most important strategic markets for companies in their global strategy.  We work with multi-national companies in establishing themselves in the United States, through the formation of subsidiaries or branches, acquiring U.S. companies, or expanding distribution channels. We assist emerging companies based off-shore in accessing venture capital and the capital markets, and in collaborating with technology partners.